
If you feel that an error has been made in the processing or grading of your exam, 你可以要求复习考试. You must 要求审核 within two months of receiving your exam results. 考试复习有两种可能的结果:

  1. If processing or grading errors that would alter the outcome are identified, 分数从不及格变为及格.
  2. 如果审稿人坚持不及格的等级, the candidate receives a fuller explanation of why the exam did not meet the standards for ATA certification.

所有的审查请求都是保密的. Your identity will not be revealed to those performing the review. Reviews are conducted after the close of the examination year, which runs from January to December.


  • After scrutinizing all exam-related documents for possible processing errors, copies of the exam are sent to a reviewer to grade the exam again and to evaluate the errors marked by the original graders. 的 reviewer will then decide to uphold or reverse the grade of Fail.
  • 如果审稿人把不及格的分数改过来, the candidate will be awarded certification dated back to the original notice of failure, given all the rights and privileges of certification, 并全额退还了审稿费. 候选人的名字将刊登在 ATA编年史 along with the names of other recently certified members. No disclosure will ever be made that the certification was awarded based on a review.
  • 如果审稿人坚持不及格的等级, the marking of errors supporting at least the minimum standard for failure will be recorded on a clean review copy of the translation. 将指出错误的性质. 的 review copy of the failed passages and the original source texts and evaluation summary for those passages will be sent to the candidate. 这是大多数候选人的最后一步, and no further information will be supplied to the candidate or anyone else regarding the review.



If you disagree with the outcome of your exam review, you may request to appeal the review. You must request an appeal within three months of receiving your review results. After an appeal is conducted, there is no further recourse available. 当你选择参加考试, 要求审核, 或者要求上诉, you agree to abide by the outcome of these procedures.


  • A panel of three graders will consider each appeal but may also consult other graders and outside experts as necessary.
    • a 永利登录网址 Committee member or Language Chair to chair the panel, monitor compliance with program policies and procedures, 并记录保存过程;
    • the original reviewer or the workgroup Language Chair; and
    • 一个以前没有给这次考试打分的评分员.
的 panel will decide whether to uphold or reverse the grade of Fail. 专家组的决定是最终的.


  • 如果评委会把不及格的等级倒过来, the candidate will be awarded certification dated back to the original notice of failure, given all the rights and privileges of certification, 并全额退还了审查和上诉费用. 候选人的名字将刊登在 ATA编年史 along with the names of other recently certified members. No disclosure will ever be made that the certification was awarded based on a review.
  • 的 永利登录网址 Committee reserves the right to disqualify a candidate from the appeal process who
    • 不按照说明操作;
    • attempts to challenge the exam outcome in any way not specifically permitted under ATA's 永利登录网址 Program policy;
    • 包括不专业的陈述(如.g., 威胁, 谩骂, or personal attacks) in any written or oral communication about the review addressed to ATA 永利登录网址 Program volunteers or staff.

If the 永利登录网址 Committee disqualifies a candidate who has paid the appeal fee, 只会退还上诉费用.

  • 的 永利登录网址项目经理 handles all communications from candidates about exam outcomes, reviews, and appeals. Communications addressed to anyone else will not be read or forwarded.



  1. 影印你的考试批阅. (保留评审的原始记录.)
  2. 在副本上, insert an asterisk beside each error marking you choose to dispute, 按照它们出现的顺序编号.
  3. In a separate document, list each numbered error marking and give specific reasons why you disagree.
    • State why the graders should accept your rendition or penalize it with fewer error points in the context of the exam passage.
    • 对于标记为翻译错误的翻译, support your statements with citations from dictionaries and/or other reference materials (complete with publication data). Keep in mind that not all renditions found in a multilingual dictionary apply in a given context.
    • For renditions marked as target-language errors (e.g., 语法, 标点符号, 拼写, 使用), support your statements with citations from reputable usage and style guides and/or other reference materials (complete with publication data).
    • If you cite Internet search results to support your statements, 给出完整的URL和访问日期. Quote as much of the content as necessary to establish the context and provide information justifying the authoritative character of the site.
  4. Mark each page of all supporting documentation with the test number that appears in the upper right-hand corner of your exam. Do not identify yourself by name in these materials.
  5. Read and complete the 申请上诉考试复核
    • Make sure you read the ATA Review Appeal Policy and sign that you agree to abide by the decision of the panel. 这份文件将在ATA存档.
    • You may pay the appeal fee by completing the credit card information on the form or by including a check payable to the 永利登录网址.

For more information, contact ATA at +1-703-683-6100 or 永利登录网址项目经理.